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Winners and Publications

The Get Up-and-over Fan Fund first was founded in 1977 by Christopher Priest, initially as a one-off to bring an Australian to the 1979 British Worldcon. The fund continued, completing the triangle whose existing sides were TAFF and DUFF by raising funds to exchange further delegates between Europe and Australasia/Oceania. The details of how GUFF actually works are enshrined in the ballot form, where candidates' names vary but the rules remain substantially the same -- deadline dates, of course, excepted.

GUFF's first administrators were Leigh Edmonds (Australia) and David Langford (Europe), with Rob Jackson taking over the European end when Langford found himself administering TAFF in 1980. Langford produced six GUFF newsletters under the title The Northern GUFFblower 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, which Jackson continued with issues 7 and 8. In Australia, Leigh Edmonds published six issues of GUFF Fundies.

This listing was compiled by David Langford and corrected with the help of Irwin Hirsh's "A GUFF Record", November 1999. GUFF winners are listed chronologically as making northbound ↑ or southbound ↓ trips. With one short exception that happens to be on the Ansible site, only completed trip reports rather than individual chapters are recorded: Irwin Hirsh has a vastly more detailed list at his Australian Fan Funds Page. Many thanks to Irwin for allowing me to pillage his records of voting figures. [DRL]

1979 ↑ John Foyster

Other candidates: John Alderson, Eric Lindsay (who later asked fans not to vote for him). Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe* Austr Total
John Alderson 6 38 44
John Foyster 8 57 66
Eric Lindsay 9 9 18
Totals 23 104 127

* Included US votes received by the European administrator.

Report: Stranger in Stranger Lands, published 1996.

Newsletter: Guffawe 1, 2, 3; GUFF News (1 issue); GUFF 1984 (1 issue).

Notes: John Foyster attended Seacon '79 in Brighton, England, the 1979 Worldcon. He died in 2003.

1981 ↓ Joseph Nicholas

Other candidate: Malcolm Edwards. Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Malcolm Edwards 16 8
Joseph Nicholas 35 12
Hold Over Funds 2

Write-in 3

Totals 56 20

Report: immense 500,000-word record reportedly drafted but lost during house move. A condensed account appeared as "The Dreamtime" in Ansible 19, July 1981, and another chapter elsewhere.

Newsletter: The Northern GUFFblower (continuing the numbering) 9, 10, 11, 12.

Notes: Joseph Nicholas attended Advention '81 (the Australian NatCon) in Adelaide, June 1981.

1984 ↑ Justin Ackroyd

Other candidates: Shayne McCormack, Jean Weber, Roger Weddall. Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total Round 2
Justin Ackroyd 6 58
64 71
Shayne McCormack 3 15
Jean Weber 17 11
28 37
Roger Weddall 7 16
23 24
Hold Over Funds
Totals 33 103
136 132

* Eliminated as trailing candidates, and second preferences redistributed. 4 ballots had no second preferences: hence the reduced Round 2 total.

Report: two chapters published in fanzines.

Newsletter: Australian GUFF Newsletter (1 issue).

Notes: Justin Ackroyd attended Seacon '84 in Brighton, Easter 1981.

1985 ↓ Eve Harvey

Other candidate: John Jarrold. Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Eve Harvey 42 25
John Jarrold 22 1
Write-in 1 4
Spoilt ballots 4

Totals 69 30

Report: A Brighton Belle Meets Skippy, published 1999.

Newsletter: Guffstuff 1-6. This was when GUFF in Europe broke with the Northern GUFFblower title.

Notes: Eve Harvey attended Aussiecon II, the 1985 Worldcon in Melbourne.

1987 ↑ Irwin Hirsh

Other candidates: Valma Brown, Jean Weber. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Total Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
Valma Brown 23 18 41 41 57 63
Irwin Hirsh 44 25 69 76 91 120
Jean Weber 25 12 37 *39

Hold Over Funds 2

Write-in: Tim Jones 38 2 40 43 *46
Other Write-ins 9

No Preference 3 2 5

Totals 144 59 203 199 194 183

* Eliminated as trailing candidate(s), and next preferences redistributed.

Report: in progress -- laudably many chapters published in fanzines, readable on the Australian Fan Funds Page.

Newsletter: Guffawe 4-9, continuing the numbering from John Foyster.

Notes: Irwin Hirsh attended Conspiracy '87, the 1987 Worldcon in Brighton, England.

1989 ↓ Roelof Goudriaan

Other candidate: Linda Pickersgill. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Roelof Goudriaan 16 34
Linda Pickersgill 31 11
No Preference
Totals 47 48

Report: ?

Newsletter: The Guffiate 1-??.

Notes: Roelof Goudriaan attended Swancon 14 in Perth, the 1989 Australian NatCon.

1990 ↑ Roman Orszanski

Other candidates: Larry Dunning, Mark Loney & Michelle Muijsert. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Total Rnd 2 Rnd 3
Larry Dunning 6 27 33 *34
Mark Loney &
Michelle Muijsert
4 36 40 40 58
Roman Orszanski 6 40 46 46 59
Hold Over Funds
2 *2

1 *1

No Preference
1 1 3 6
Totals 16 107 123 123 123

* Eliminated as trailing candidate(s), and next preferences redistributed.

Report: three chapters published in fanzines.

Newsletter: Guff Stuff 1-??.

Notes: Roman Orszanski attended Confiction in The Hague, Netherlands, the 1990 Worldcon.

1992 ↓ Eva Hauser

Other candidate: Bridget Wilkinson. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Eva Hauser 29 22
Bridget Wilkinson 21 6
Write-in 2 4
Totals 52 32

Report: Australsky Denik, published in Interkon, 1992.


Notes: Eva Hauser attended the Syncon '92, the Australian NatCon in Sydney. Since she had difficulties in handling hard-currency donations from Czechoslovakia, Joseph Nicholas acted as British agent during her administration.

1995 ↑ Ian Gunn and Karen Pender-Gunn

Other candidates: LynC, Kim Huett. Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total

Ian Gunn and Karen Pender-Gunn

Kim Huett

Hold Over Funds

No Preference



Report: Oh to be in England, In the summertime, With my love, published by Karen in 1999.


Notes: Ian Gunn and Karen Pender-Gunn attended Intersection in Glasgow, Scotland, the 1995 Worldcon. Ian died in 1998. Karen has changed her forename to KRin.

1999 ↓ Paul Kincaid

Other candidate: Steve Davies, Julian Headlong. Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total Round 2
Steve Davies 29 2
31 41
Julian Headlong 20 6
Paul Kincaid 20 7
27 43
Hold Over Funds

No Preference 2 0
Totals 71 15
86 84

* Eliminated as trailing candidate, and second preferences redistributed.

Report: in progress in GUFFaw, with some instalments readable on the Australian Fan Funds Page.

Newsletter: actually a substantial promotional fanzine, GUFFaw 1-7.

Notes: Paul Kincaid attended Aussiecon 3, the 1999 Worldcon held in Melbourne, Australia.

2001 ↑ Eric Lindsay and Jean Weber

Other candidates: Damien Warman & Juliette Woods (joint). Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Eric Lindsay & Jean Weber 17 22 10 49
Damien Warman & Juliette Woods 19 12 3 34
No Preference 3
1 4
Totals 39 34 14 87

Report: see Eric Lindsay's and Jean Weber's 2001 Trip Report Site

Notes: Eric Lindsay & Jean Weber attended Paragon, the 2001 British Eastercon in Hinckley, Leicestershire.

2004 ↓ Pat McMurray

Other candidate: Doug Bell. Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Doug Bell 25 8
Pat McMurray 22 13
No Preference 6 2
Totals 53 23

Report: GUFF Guy (2009), available here.

Notes: Pat attended Continuum (Melbourne 11-14 June) owing to unexpected difficulty in making it to the national Australian convention in April.

2005 ↑ Damien Warman and Juliette Woods

Other candidates: Sue Ann Barber, Alison Barton, David Cake. Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Sue Ann Barber

Alison Barton

David Cake

Damien Warman &
Juliette Woods

No Preference etc

Totals 36 22 9 67

From preliminary e-mail announcement by Eric Lindsay, 7 May 2005. 31 fans voted through the European administrator and 36 through the Australian administrators. All electronic votes went to Australia; the detailed geographical breakdown is awaited.

Report: in progress.

Notes: Damien and Juliette attended Interaction, the Glasgow Worldcon, in August 2005.

2007 ↓ Ang Rosin

Other candidates: Johan Anglemark, Steve Davies, Anna Davour. Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Johan Anglemark

Steve Davies

Anna Davour

Ang Rosin

Hold Over Funds

No Preference



From on-line announcement by Damien Warman, 18 April 2007.

Report: in progress.

Notes: Ang Rosin attended the Australian National Convention in Melbourne: Convergence 2, 8-11 June 2007.

2009 ↑ Sue Ann Barber and Trevor Clark

Other candidates: Norah Ding (aged "almost two", with her mother) and Alisa Krasnostein. Ballot. Platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Sue Ann Barber and Trevor Clark 24 64
Norah Ding 2 3 1 6
Alisa Krasnostein 7 14
Hold Over Funds

No Preference 2 1
Totals 35 82 1 118

From online announcement by Damien Warman, November 2008.

Notes: Sue Ann Barber and Trevor Clark attended the UK Eastercon in Bradford: LXcon, April 2009.

2010 ↓ James Shields

Other candidate: Douglas Spencer. Ballot with platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
James Shields

Douglas Spencer

Hold Over Funds

No Preference



From online announcement by Ang Rosin, April 2010.

Report: in progress.

Notes: James Shields attended Aussiecon 4, the 2010 Worldcon in Melbourne. Here is his official trip website.

2012 ↑ Kylie Ding

Other candidate: Grant Watson. Ballot with platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Kylie Ding

Grant Watson

Hold Over Funds

No Preference



Notes: Kylie Ding attended Olympus 2012, the 2012 Eastercon at Heathrow, London, and also Eurocon in Zagreb.

2013 ↓ Mihaela Marija Perković

Other candidate: Julie McMurray. Ballot with platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Other Total
Julie McMurray 19 5 6 30
Mihaela Marija Perković 31 12 6 49
Hold Over Funds

No Preference 4 2 1 7
Totals 54 19 13 86

From online announcement by James Shields, January 2013.

Notes: Mihaela Marija Perković attended Conflux, the 2013 Australian National Convention (25-28 April).

2014 ↑ Gillian Polack

Other candidates: Alison Barton, Samara Morgan and Shay Telfer. Ballot with platforms.

Voting Europe Austr Total Rnd 3 Rnd 4 Rnd 5
Alison Barton 6 20 26 27 ***28
Samara Morgan 0 18 18 **18
Gillian Polack 9 27 36 36 38 53
Shay Telfer 5 16 21 21 30 35
Hold Over Funds 0 0 *0
No Preference 1 1 *2
Totals 21 82 103 102 96 88

Condensed from online announcement by Mihaela Marija Perković, June 2014.
* Eliminated as trailing candidate and next preferences redistributed. Round 2 (eliminating Hold Over Funds) made no difference to totals; Round 3 (eliminating No Preference, rankings below which are normally ignored) was taken as adding one vote to one candidate's total.
** Eliminated as trailing candidate at Round 3 and next preferences redistributed.
*** Eliminated as trailing candidate at Round 4 and next preferences redistributed.

Notes: Gillian Polack attended Loncon 3, the 72nd World SF Convention held in London on 14-18 August 2014, and also Shamrokon (Eurocon) in Dublin over the following weekend.

2016 ↓ Jukka Halme

There were no other candidates.

Notes: Nominations for the 2016 GUFF race opened in April 2015 and closed on 31 May 2015, as described here; voting closed on 30 September 2015; the winner announcement is here. Jukka Halme will attend Contact 2016, the 55th Australian National Science Fiction Convention, to be held in Brisbane, Australia, 25-28 March 2016.

2017 ↑ Donna Maree Hanson

Candidates: Donna Maree Hanson, Sam Hawke, Belle McQuattie and (initially jointly) Alisa Krasnostein and Alexandra Pierce; Alisa Krasnostein subsequently withdrew leaving Alexandra Pierce standing solo. Ballot with platforms.

Voting Total Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
Donna Maree Hanson 25 26 30 33
**Sam Hawke 6 6
***Belle McQuattie 10 10 10
Alexandra Pierce 16 16 16 18
*Hold Over Funds 0
Write-In 1
No Preference 4
Totals 62 58 56 51

Condensed from email announcement by Gillian Polack, April 2017.
* Eliminated as trailing candidate in first round and next preferences redistributed.
** Eliminated as trailing candidate in Round 2 and next preferences redistributed.
*** Eliminated as trailing candidate in Round 3 and next preferences redistributed.

Notes: Donna Maree Hanson will attend Worldcon 75, to be held in Helsinki, Finland, 9-13 August 2017.

2018 ↓ Marcin Klak

Other candidates: Steve and Alice Lawson, jointly. Ballot with platforms [PDF]. Online ballot.

Voting Total
Marcin Klak 47
Steve and Alice Lawson 38
Hold Over Funds 0
No Preference 5
Total 90

From email announcement by Donna Maree Hanson, April 2018. Marcin Klak wins by a simple first-round majority. Three fans sent voting payments for which no actual vote was received, and could not be contacted by the administrator; these missing votes could not have changed the outcome.

Report: The Giant Leap to Never Never (2019), downloadable from the linked page which suggests a modest donation to GUFF.

Notes: Marcin Klak attended Continuum in Melbourne, June 2018.

2019 ↑ Simon Litten

Other candidates: Lynelle Howell and Nicole Murphy. Online ballot with platforms.

Voting Total Round 2
Lynelle Howell 23 31
Simon Litten 28 32
* Nicole Murphy 20
Hold Over Funds 0
No Preference 2
Total 73 63

* Eliminated as trailing candidate in first round and next preferences redistributed.
The Administrators' report is at with a more extensive voting breakdown at

Report: Visiting Nearly Kiwiland (2024).

Notes: Simon Litten attended Dublin 2019: An Irish Worldcon in August 2019.

2020 ↓ Alison Scott

Other candidates: Cora Buhlert (Germany), Hisham El-Far and Lee Fletcher (UK), Hanna Hakkarainen (Finland), Elizabeth Jones and Claire Rousseau (UK), Dave Lally (UK). Platforms.

Voting Total Round 2
Cora Buhlert 10 13
Hisham El-Far and Lee Fletcher 9 11
Hanna Hakkarainen 13 15
* Elizabeth Jones and Claire Rousseau 10 0
Dave Lally 8 8
Alison Scott 50 52
Hold Over Funds 2 3
No Preference 0 0
Total 102 102

* Withdrew from race; next preferences redistributed.
The Administrators' report is at with a more extensive voting breakdown at

Notes: Owing to global pandemic problems Alison Scott participated only virtually in CoNZealand, the 2023 Worldcon in Wellington, New Zealand. In 2023 she was able to make her physical trip and attended Conflux 17 in Canberra, the Australian Natcon.

2024 ↑ Kat Clay

Other candidates: Ian Nichols, also from Australia. PDF ballot with platforms.

First Preference Votes Australia/NZ UK/Europe Other Totals
Kat Clay 24 18 0 42
Ian Nichols 18 11 3 32
No Preference 1 4 2 7
Totals 43 33 5 81

From email announcement by Alison Scott and Simon Litten, 26 April 2024.

Notes: Kat Clay will attend the 2024 Glasgow Worldcon in August 2024.