TAFF Talk 2

An official Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund bulletin published by Peter Roberts, 38 Oakland Drive, Dawlish, Devon, UK. This issue distributed with Checkpoint 93. Copies of the first issue (with details of the 1977 TAFF voting) are available for a SAE (or free if I'm sending you something anyway). March 1979. Restormel Press Pub: 138.

The 1979 TAFF race, to bring an American fan over to the Seacon in Brighton, is now in operation. Three well-known fans are standing: Fred Haskell, Terry Hughes, and Suzanne Tompkins.

Voting closes on April 14th (Easter Saturday) and I shall be collecting late ballots at the Yorcon in Leeds. If you want to post your ballot to the address above, please don't leave it till the last minute, since late ballots will not he counted and you can't rely on the GPO over a bank holiday weekend. With luck, I shall be able to contact Roy Tackett, the American administrator, as soon as voting finishes and we may therefore get a result straight away.

Several hundred ballots have already been distributed in the UK (even more in North America) and they'll be available at Yorcon as well. If you're producing a fanzine between now and Easter, I'd be grateful if you could include a TAFF ballot in your mailing. If you can reproduce the ballot (verbatim, please) yourself, then that's excellent; if not, please let me know and I'll provide copies for you to distribute. If you're involved with a local group and would like a few ballots to hand around, please drop me a line.

Just over twenty ballots have been returned to me to date. Thanks to everyone who has already voted.

Auctions: There'll be another TAFF auction at Yorcon and if you have anything to donate (or to sell at a percentage), then please bring it along -- books, fanzines, manuscripts, artwork, old fannish Christmas cards, convention memorabilia, knitted tea-cosies, or whatever you like.

The Skycon auction eventually brought in £60.25. My thanks to Rog Peyton & Dave Langford who helped with the auction and to all those who contributed material for TAFF. The Novacon auction brought in £33.04 -- thanks to the contributors and to Ron Bounds, Joseph Nicholas, and Pat Meara who helped with the auction.

Publications: Of Such Are Legends Made, an attractive & entertaining compilation of articles on fannish myth & history, is available from Graham England (1 Fleet Way, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 8BZ) for 62½p or from the editor, Joyce Scrivner (2408 Dupont Aye, Apt I, Minneapolis, MN 55405) for $1.50. All proceeds go to TAFF. Contributors to the volume include Harry Warner Jnr, Mike Glicksohn, Ginjer Buchanan, John Kusske, and many others.

TAFF Reports that are still available from LASFS (11513 Burbank Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601) are Don Ford's, Ron Ellik's ($l each), Bob Madle's, the Moffatts' ($2 each), and Atom's ($3). Add 25¢ per volume for postage. Meanwhile, the first two chapters of my own trip report are available in Egg 11 (proceeds to TAFF -- 50p from me); and though I believe that Nabu, containing the next two chapters is OOP, you can find the latest chapters in Mota 27 (proceeds to TAFF -- $1 from Terry Hughes, 4739 Washington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22205). Next chapter should appear in Egg 12 and, when complete, the whole lot will be made available in one volume.

Joseph Nicholas and Ian & Janice Maule are working on a fanthology of British fan writing of the seventies and, when it's eventually published, profits will go to TAFF. More details later.

Fanzines for sale: the following fanzines have been donated to TAFF by Dave Piper (to whom many thanks) and are available from him at 7 Cranley Drive, Ruislip Middx, HA4 6PZ. Make any cheques payable to Dave. Prices are entirely my fault; but all include postage and all monies (less post) will go to TAFF. Please give alternatives in case what you want has been sold and I should think $ bills (US) will be ok, since Dave can pass them on to me ($1 = 45p or thereabouts).

Algol (Porter) 13,14,15 @ 60p each.
Trumpet (Reamy) 2, 3 @ £1 each.
Sf Echo (Connor) 20-25 @ 80p each.
Riverside Qtly (Sapiro) 4/2 @ 40p.
Tabebuian (Jenrette) 31-33 @ 15p e.
Hitchhike (Berry) 23-27 @ 20p each.
Hedgehog (Frane) 1,2 @ 20p each.
Genre Plat (Cadogan) 1,2 @ 40p e.
Passing Parade (Stevens) 6 @ 20p.
Resolution (Causgrove) 2 @ 25p
Dilemma (Frank) 7-14 @ 25p each.
Meritricious (with Kirk Tolkien
Calendar, 1969) @ £1.
20th C. Unltd (Porter) 3 @ 15p.
Egoboo (Ted White & Berry) 16 @ 30p.
Gorbett (Gorman) 5-7 @ 20p each.
Double Bill (Bowers/Mallardi) 13-20
@ 45p each.
Dynatron (Tackett). 34-38,39-43 --
stapled together @ 60p each lot,
& 59-63 @ 15p each.
Sf Weekly (Porter) 193,200-209,210-
226, 228,229 @ 85p the lot.
Quark (Perry) 13,14 @ 15p each.
Inferno (Skelton) 7-15 @ 15p each.
Checkpoint (me) 0-46 @ £l the lot.
Triode (Bentcliffe) 24-26 @ 30p each
Skyrack (Bennett) 74-95 @ 70p the lot.
Speculation (Weston) 2,4-13,33 @ 50p each
Les Spinge (Hale) 11,13 @ 50p each
Quicksilver (Edwards) 2 @ 35p.
Maya (Maule) 5,6 @ 40p each.
Lurk (Meara) 1-7 @ 15p each.
Scabby Tales (Brosnan) 2 @ 15p
The Scarr (Charters) 200 @ 20p.
Knockers (Meara) 1-6 @ 15p each.
Scottishe (Lindsay) 64,72-76 @ 15p e.
Worcester (Boak) @ 30p
Nabu (Maule) 1,2,4,5,6 5 @ 20p each.
Egg (me) 1-10 @ 20p each.
Australian Sf Monthly (Bangsund) 1 @ 15p.
Australian Sf Review (Foyster) 19 @ 35p.
Simulacrum (Vayne) 7 45p.
Something Else (McCormack) 1 @ 15p
Antares (ergin) 1 @ 10p (in Turkish!)
Sf Horizons (Aldiss/Harrison) @ 40p (No 2)
Dream Vender (Sandercock) 1 @ 10p.
South Norwalk (Porter) 2 @ 15p.

Let's say 20% off orders over £3.00. Remember that all proceeds (less post) go to TAFF, so if you were thinking of donating anyway, you might as well do yourself a bit of good and buy some fanzines. More sales (from me) in the next Checkpoint.

Thanks again to all TAFF supporters. Don't forget to vote before Easter Saturday. Cheers.

Peter Roberts, European TAFF Administrator