This is the third TAFF progress report published in the interests of the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund by Ron Ellik, 127 Bennett Avenue, Long Beach 3, California. Note that 1825 Greenfield Avenue, Los Angeles 25, California, is a currently good address for personal correspondence, but Bennett Avenue is a permanent family address, used for TAFF business.
The final results from both sides of the Atlantic are presented here to provide official notification of the outcome of the recent campaign. ETHEL LINDSAY will be the TAFF delegate at the Chicago Convention this Labor Day Weekend; her complete travel plans will undoubtedly appear in several fanzines.
A breakdown of the voting of the last month and a half reveals some interesting patterns. Approximately 80% of the British vote was cast during this period – at and following the annual BritCon. A large percentage of the American vote – nearly 1/3-arrived during the final two weeks. The breakdown:
Ethel Lindsay Eddie Jones US UK US UK Prior to Easter 41 12 22 2 to 1 May 5 17 6 12 to 15 May 2 2 2 10 to 31 May 33 10 5 5 __ __ __ __ Sub-totals 81 45 31 29 TOTAL VOTES CAST: Ethel, 122; Eddie, 64. US, 116; UK, 70. Sum: 186. This does not include the following: 7 contributions with no vote; 4 voters disallowed through insufficient contact with the field; 3 write-in votes (1 for Norman Shorrock; 1 for Eric Bentcliffe; 1 for Art Years); and 3 disqualified by late arrival. This makes the grand total 186 valid votes plus 17 not affecting the results. GRAND TOTAL: 203
FINANCES: For the first time, TAFF is uncomfortably comfortable. The administrators hesitate to admit how generous fandom has been in the past five months, for fear that it will smother interest in TAFF. On the other hand, we feel extremely gratified at this expression of interest – and we are happy to be able to concentrate on recruiting candidates for TAFF and gathering votes without having to continually pass the hat. However, don't let a fat kitty stop you from encouraging your favorite fan to stand for TAFF – and don't feel embarrassed about sending money in any amount, because trans-Atlantic jet planes aren't cheap, and TAFF won't always have money socked away.
Dollars (approx equals) Sterling Cash held by Ron Ellik, 31 May 1962 $576 £204-15-0 Cash held by Eric Bentcliffe, 31 May 286.00 101-9-5 Subtotal at close of campaign 862.00 306-4-5 Less price of Ethel's ticket;
London-NY and return462.00 163-15-0 Balance toward next TAFF trip 400-00 142-4-0 Thus, in the five months since my first TAFF flyer was published, fandom has contributed $350.00 to TAFF. Over fifty dollars of this (to be exact, £19-15-10½d) was donated by the British SF Convention in Harrogate through the generosity of Chairman Ron Bennett, who pledged half his auction proceeds to TAFF.
VOTERS: The following 203 people fall into one of the categories overpage [i.e. above]; late voters and ineligible voters have been notified.
JAdams BAldiss DWAnderson DArcher FWArnold EJBaker HBall WBallard DBarber RBarto CBeck RBennett RBergeron RBerman SBirchby RBoggs JBonifas RPBrown KBulmer PBulmer ABurns FMBusby KMCarlson JCaughran JCawthorn AChamberlain GATWCharters KCheslin RChristenberry Jeff Collins JCoulson RCoulson GDaniels RJDaniels GDeindorfer CBDemmon FMDietz Jr. MDomina BDonaho DEdler MEdler RHEney BEvans AEversfield NFalasca DFaulknerLstF RCFinch EFirestone DFitch DFord MFord TForsyth DFranson DGeldart RGindorf TGrade WDGrant BGray RGray EEGreenleaf JGroves DHale CFHanson JHarness PHarrell CHarris GRHeap KHedberg BHenstell SHereford JHerzog RHickey AHill SHoffman PHope JHumphries FHunter FWJackson ERJames TJeeves MJohnson SAJohnson Eddie Jones Eric Jones LKaye Pat Kearney BFKeifer SKidd RKidder JKing SKing HKolchak BKujawa DAKyle RKyle JLamb ALewis WC BLichtman JLinwood DLocke GLocke AF Lopez DLupoff PLupoff Hal Lynch PMabey IMcAuley LMcCombs KMcIntyre PRMcKnight RAMadle PMansfield HMargeit AMartine AMercer ERMeskys VMille CMiller FMiles PMilnes MMcoller AS Moffatt LJMoffatt John Nash Joe Navin PNicolas Fnorwood MButtall GOmacht John Owen DWPardoe EParker EParkes KParkes JPatrizio FPattern BEPelz FJPerley HRPessina EPeters IPeters IPotter KPotter Jack Price BRaeburn GNRaybin BRichardson ARogers PRogers JRoles JRoot IRRosenblum Vic Ryan TSchluek Pat Scott Bob Shaw LTShaw NShaw Sadie Shaw IShorrock NShorrock Joyce Slater Ken Slater Coral Smith Rick SNeary GWSpencer NFStanley Lou Tabakow Roy Tackett Dale Tarr WThadewald AThomson STolliver BRToskey Bjo Trimble John Trimble Ted Tubb ETurner DAVanderwerd BVarley FVarley MVersins PVersins Tony Walsh HWarner RWatts NWeedall Jas White MWillis WWillis DAWollheim Ed Wood SWoolstonThe following TAFF reports are available through either administrator; once pub costs are met, all proceeds go to TAFF: FAKE FAN IN LONDON (Madle's report, $1); COLONIAL EXCURSION (Bennett, $1); TAFF BAEDEKER (Ford, $1.25); EPITAFF (Eric Bentcliffe, $1). One check for $4.25 (or 30/6 sterling) will purchase them all.
And remember, nominations open 1 September....
LASFSRexed 5 June 62
Ron Ellik
127 Bennet Ave.
Long Beach 3, CaliforniaPRINTED MATTER