1997 TAFF Results: North America to Europe

from the European TAFF Administrator

Ulrika O'Brien has won the 1997/1998 TAFF race to Europe and will represent North American fandom at the 1998 National British Science Fiction Convention in Manchester, England, 10-13 April 1998.

The full results were as follows; the figures are the totals from Europe and North America combined:

                   1st     2nd    Final
                   place   Round  Round

Victor Gonzalez:   55      60        77

Ulrika O'Brien:    69      82       105

Vicki Rosenzweig:  46      57        --

Tom Sadler:        42      --        --

Hold Over Funds:    3      --        --

No Preference:      9      --        --

Total Ballots 
cast:             224

A full list of European voters will appear in the European TAFF newsletter in the new year.

Martin Tudor
European TAFF Administrator