TAFF Progress Report-12

June 1969

Published in the interests of the Trans Atlantic Fan Fund by Steve Stiles, 4-27 57th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A. 11220, and Thomas Schluck, 3 Hannover, Georgswell 5, Germany. Mimeography courtesy Charlie and Marsha Brown. June, 1969.

With the highest voting turn-out in six years, Eddie Jones won on the first ballot and will represent British and European fandom at 1969's world convention in St. Louis.

Here's the voting break-down:

Eddie Jones Bob Shaw Hold Over Funds
U.S. VOTES: 55 70 2
GRAND TOTAL: 104 89 3

That adds up to the mind-boggling total of 196. There was a two point difference between my total and the one just released by Tom; two more votes arrived special delivery at my parents' place after I thought I had collected the final tally, and I didn't learn of this until after I had sent Tom my first tally. Oh well.

Thanks to the contributions of the New England Science Fiction Association, ESFA, Bob Bloch, John Benson, and the contributions accompanying votes, the TAFF treasury now stands as follows:

American:   $732.76
European:   $259.00

Stiles cartoon

The following people voted in the election: Gillian T. Adams, Hans-Joachim Alpers, Dan Alderson, John Andrews, Lief Anderson, Fred W. Arnold, John Ayotti, Thea Molly Auler, George Barr, M.D. Barrett, Ed Baker, Martha Beck, Ron Bennett, Richard Bergeron, John D. Berry, Dainis Bisenicks, Don Blyly, John Boardman, A.G. Boak, Jean Bogert, Bill Bowers, Mario Bosnyak, Bob Briney, C.W. Brooks, Charlie Brown, Marsha Brown, Colleen Brown, rich brown, G. Buchanan, Ken Bulmer, Pamela Bulmer, Brian Burley, Bill Burns, Elinor Busby, F.M. Busby, Stanford Burns, Thomas W. Bulmer, Joane Burger, Donna S. Breed, John Ramsey Campbell, Carol Carr, Terry Carr, E.J. Carnell, Jack Chalker, Lawrence Chinth, Stephen R. Compton, Leigh Couch, Michiel Couch, N.Christopher Couch, Norbert Couch, George Charters, Paul Crawford, Gian Paolo Cossato, Alex Eisenstein, Phyllis Eisenstein, Diane Ellingsworth, Richard Ellingsworth, Sheila Elkin, Dick Eney, Franz Ettl, Ursula Ernsting, Walter Ernsting, Linda Eyster, Joyce Fisher, Ray Fisher, George Foster, Don Fitch, Richard Geis, Don Franson, Keith Freeman, Wendy Freeman, Adolf Fritsch, Leslie Gerber, John Gill, Alexis A. Gilliland, Barry Gold, Paul Galvin, Dean Grennell, Roberta Gray, James Groves, Marty Helgesen, Frank Herbert, Paul G. Herkart, Lee Hoffman, Fred Hollander, Dave Hulan, Arnie Katz, Jerry Kaufman, Dwain Kaiser, Ben Keifen, Lee Klingstein, Cathy Konigsberg, Dave Kyle, Ruth Kyle, Betty Kujawa, Terry Jeeves, Karl Jungbauer, Willi Kessler, Waldemar Kumming, Rudyder Hagopian, Richard Labonte, Anthony Lewis, Fred Lerner, Wm. Linden, Ethel Lindsay, Hank Luttrell, Robert A. Madle, David Malone, Mark Mandel, Bill Mallardi, Ian McAuley, J.A. McCallum, Joyce P. McDaniel, Banks Mebane, Ed Meskys, Ted Johnstone, G. Missiaja, Lore Matthaey, Peter Mabey, Hans Werner Heinrichs, Jean Muggoch, J. Newman, Fred Norwood, Al H. Morrison, R. Milaler, M. Nuttall, Stan Nuttall, Eduard Lukschandl, Jacqueline H. Osterrath, John Owen, Alexei Panshin, Fred Patten, Ella Parker, Chuck Partington, Ernst-August Poesse, Winfried Petri, W. Darroll Pardoe, Bob Pavlat, Peggy Rae Pavlat, Bruce Pelz, Frank R. Pietro Jr., Andy Porter, Walter Reinecke, Franz Rottensteiner, J. Michael Rosenblum, Phil Rogers, Ken Rudolph, Dieter Sachse, Dick Schultz, Alan Shaw, Elliot Shorter, Ina Shorrock, Janet Shorrock, Norman Shorrock, Roy Shorrock, Bob Shaw, Bob Silverberg, Beresford Smith, Rick Sneary, Ben Solan, Dieter Steinseifer, Steve Stiles, Hunert Strassl, Sarah Shaw, John Stopa, Joni Stopa, Debra Stopa, Arthur Thomson, Bjo Trimble, Wolfgang Thadewald, Harry Warner, George H. Wells, Pete Weston, James White, Jon White, Peggy White, Robin White, Ted White, Madeleine Willis, Walt Willis, Don Wollheim, Elizabeth Wollheim, Elsie Wollheim, John Trimble, Cindy Van Arnam, Roger Zelazny, Elaine Wojchiechswski, Edward Worl.

Well, that's roughly in alphabetical order. Our thanks to the hard working vote counters of this election – Arnie Katz, rich & Colleen brown, Wolfgang Thadewald, and Thomas Komischke. Special thanks & appreciation go to Ethel Lindsay, who donated much of her time to handle British finances.


Eddie Jones is currently making plans for his TAFF trip. Letters of congratulation, suggestions, advice, hosting offers, etc., may be sent to Eddie at 72 Antonio Street, Bootle 20, Lancashire, England.

The Squirrel's Tale, Ron Ellik's Report, is now available from Bruce Pelz, at $1.00 plus 25¢ postage. Bruce's address is Box 100, 508 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, California. # My own report, Harrison Country, is being serialized in Quip. The third installment will be out as soon as Arnie get his mimeo fixed. Threatening notes may be sent to Arnie at 55 Pineapple St., Brooklyn, NY.

TAFF Nominations

This is to announce that TAFF nominations are now open to send a U.S. fan of goodwill & elan to Heidelberg in 1970. Deadline for close of nominations is the end of January.

To be nominated, a candidate must meet the following qualifications:

(A) He must be nominated by not more or less than five fans – three from the U.S., two from Europe.

(B) He (or his nominators) must submit a one hundred word nominating platform to be published on the reverse of the TAFF voting ballot.

(C) A $5.00 (or £2.) bond of good faith must accompany the nomination, signed by the backers.

(D) The candidate must sign a statement of willingness to travel to the convention if elected.


A FINAL WORD: We administrators are extremely grateful to those of you who have supported TAFF by voting, contributing, mailing out ballots with your fanzines, distributing ballots at your fan clubs, nominating candidates, and being helpful in lots of other ways as well. We are particularly grateful to Charlie & Marsha Brown, Bruce Pelz, and Fred Patten. Everybody keep it up!


Fanzine editors are kindly requested to spread the information – election results, nomination details – relayed in this Progress Report.

– Steve Stiles –