Published in the interests of the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund by Wally Weber, PO Box 267, 507 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington, 98104, and Ethel Lindsay, Courage House, Six Langley Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey, Great Britain.
The recent TAFF race, complete at midnight on 31 May 1964, elected Arthur Thomson to travel to the 22nd World Science Fiction Convention in Oakland this coming Labor Day weekend. Total votes were
England U.S. Total Phil Rogers 28 13 41 Arthur Thomson 32 63 95 A total of 136 valid ballots were counted by (in England) Ethel Lindsay with a double-check by Charles Smith and (in America) Ron Ellik with a double-check by Al Lewis. The fund now has $944 total both parts of the treasury – Atom will be given $600 to help with his trip, and the remainder will be held over for the next trip.
The next trip is for an American to go to the second World Convention to be held in London. The London group will bid this Labor Day for the 1965 convention, to be held the weekend of 28-29 August 1965 in the British Isles, and nominations are now open. To appear on the ballot, an American fan must meet the following four qualifications:
(a) He must be nominated by three American fans and two overseas fans.
(b) He must submit a one hundred word nominating platform to be published on the reverse of the ballot. It's customary for a nominator to take care of this.
(c) A five dollar bond of good faith must accompany the nomination – the five signers ought to scrape this up, too.
(d) The candidate must sign a statement of willingness to travel to the 1965 World Convention in London if elected.
There is naturally a possibility that the 1965 Worldcon will not be in London – the Administrators expect London to receive the bid, but are prepared to re-arrange matters if things fall otherwise. All persons nominating or nominated will be notified if such a thing happens.
Send the four nomination requirements to either Administrator (see above for addresses) before 31 August 1964. if you have any questions, please feel free to write to either – we will be glad to help you nominate your favorite fan for TAFF.
To joing this year's convention, send $2 (US registration fee) to The Pacificon II Committee, P O Box 261, Fairmont Station, El Carrito, California. Overseas, send $1 only. Voting for the annual Hugo awards is now underway.
G Adams K A Alberg Dan Alderson B Allport Al Andrews Fred Arnold Phillip Balin T Ball R G Bannister Dave Barber Ron Bennett E Bentcliffe Ruth Berman J Boardman J B Bogert Redd Boggs D Boothroyd I Boothroyd N A Bratman Bob P Brown L D Broyles E Busby F M Busby Gregg Calkins J R Campbell K M Carlson Phil Castors J Cawthorn J Chalker L R Chauvenet Ken Cheslin Sid Coleman A J Cox Sandy Cutrell F M Dietz Bill Donaho F H Eney Jean Engel Ted Engel D M Faulkner Don Fitch K Forsyth D Franson C Freeman K Freeman W Freeman Wally Gonser Jom Groves Clay Hamlin O Hannifen Jack Harness B Harrison Alma Hill J Holmberg Dave Hulan J Humphries T Jeeves Will F Jenkins Tad Johnstone Eric Jones Langdon Jones D Kaiser Len Kaye J K Klein Dave Kyle Ruth Kyle Al Lewis Alan Lewis Bob Lichtman Jim Linwood P Lupoff R Lupoff Ian McAulay Ken McIntyre F B McKnight Peter Mabey Bill Mallardi A Mercer Ed Meskys F Milnes P Milnes Len Moffatt Mike Moorcock Carol Murray J Navin M Buttall S Nuttal Keith Otter J Owen Mark Owings W D Pardoe Ella Parker Fred Patten Bruce Pelz B Peters I Peters C Platt Andrew Porter Phil Rogers John Roles Jock Root Wm Rotsler Vic Ryan Leland Sapiro Tom Schlueck S F Schultheis V Schultheis D Schultz Bob Shaw Larry Shaw Noreen Shaw Ina Shorrock N Shorrock Pete Singleton Bob Silverberg* Don Simpson* S F Small Beresford Smith Charles Smith Rick Sneary Paul Stanbery W Thadewald Art Thomson B R Toskey Bjo Trimble John Trimble E Turner Paul Turner W W Weber N Wedall Pete Weston James White Paul Williams M Willis W Willis Richard Wilson Don Wilson Don Wolheim Elsie Wollheim Ed Wood Ed Wyman Roger ZelaznyThis list includes persons who did not vote, but contributed, as well as one mathematician who voted for Christine Keeler.
Planning to go to London in 1965? Talk somebody into putting your name up for the next TAFF race.