Published in the interests of the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund by Ron Ellik, 127. Bennett Avenue, Long Beach 3, Calif. Please note that 1825 Greenfield Ave., Los Angeles 25, Calif., is a currently good address – but the Long Beach address is a permanent family home, and should be used for anything except fanzines and personal correspondence; all mail sent there will reach me fairly swiftly, and all TAFF business will be conducted as if from there.
Before beginning the duties I've assumed as US administrator of the Fund, I'd like to use this public space to thank everyone who contributed to and voted in TAFF last year to mark me out for the nonpareil honor of representing American fandom at the British National Convention this Easter. In the several fannish competitions I've entered, it has never fallen my lot to face a more formidable opponent. Many of you know the feeling of running for a job because the only candidates are obviously incompetent; how often, in fandom, do you find yourself facing a candidate with the experience and qualifications of Dick Eney? For this reassuring climax to a long, tense campaign, and for the many offers of aid and hospitality received lately, thank you; my aim in repayment is to be continually at your service during my term as administrator.
In this light I am beginning a wide-circulation TAFF flyer, to inform you at strategic intervals of the state of the Fund, to encourage you to contribute, and to persuade you to vote. This first experimental flyer is to distribute ballots in the race between Eddie Jones and Ethel Lindsay, and to inform you of the final results of the past campaign, based on reports from Eric Bentcliffe and Don Ford. It is being distributed to approximately eight hundred fans all over the world, in hope of attaining a goal of half again as many ballots as came in last year; as this is a short campaign, you've got to get off the dime as soon as you read this to help us reach our goal. Three hundred ballots – it can be done if you decide now to ensure that your candidate comes to the 20th World Convention in Chicago this Labor Day.
Dollars Sterling Funds held by Ford on 8Oct61 $827.50 293.00 " " Bentcliffe " 29Sep61 150.95 53-11-0 Subtotal 978.45 346-11-0 Less 2 tickets for 1962 924.00 327-10-0 Balance estimated Sep62 54.45 19-1-0 As you can see, a weak year for the Fund will leave the next American candidate to hitchhike from Greenland on. Dollars are changed to sterling as an approximation based on $2.82 to the Pound and are presented only for convenience, as the International Exchange Rate is subject to change.
Don Ford breaks down all non-individual contributions as follows: 1961 Registration fees, $20.00; Pittcon Auction Bloch, 99.00; Pittcon Committee donation, 200.00; Atom Antho, 2.00; St. Fantony costume, 10.00; Seacon Auction Bloch, 94.00; Seacon Committee donation, 200.00. Eric Bentcliffe credits non-individual monies from the LXICon TAFF Auction, 18-0-0; LXICon Musquite Kid collection, 3-13-6.
Ellik Eney British votes 33 25 U.S. votes 98 49 Sum 131 74 VOTING
You can help elect your choice of the two candidates (or a write-in) by contributing 50 or 2/6d to the Fund if you were an active fan before January 1961. The people who took advantage of these lenient requirements last time were:
(Asterisk indicates I lack address)
FJAckerman Jill Adams Don Anderson Dirce Archer FWArnold Ed J Baker Wrai Ballard CLBarrett MDBarrett Ray Barto Ray Beam Susie Beam Claire Beck Ron Bennett RBergeron RBerman KBernstein DBisenieks DWBoggs MZBradley PNBridges Bob P Brown BBurgess BBurn FMBusby *John Campbell GCharters KCheslin MSCohen *Jeff Collins JWCoulson RSCoulson MCurtis SCutrell GDaniels BDonaho PHEconomou WBEllern RHEney *AEverfield RFaulkner EFirestone Don Fitch Don Ford MFord TForsyth Dave Fox DFranson DGeldart JGibson RGibson RBindorf PGraham LJGrant EEGreenleaf DAGrennell JGrennell Bill Grey RWGrey JGroves LGurney JHarness PHarrell WmHarrison Art Hayes M Helgesen BHenstell *JHerzog CHickman LHickman FHiller RHolland SHoffman *Alice Hyde *CBHyde LIvie JJacobs WJJenkins MJohnson SAJohnson Eddie Jones Eric Jones MJones BJordan LKaye *BKeifer Dave Kyle Ruth Kyle *DLacey JLamb FLeiber AJLewis (WC) ELindsay JLinwood GLocke DLupoff PLupoff Hal Lynch IRMcCaulay LMcCombs MIMcInerney KMcIntyre BMcKnight PRMcKnight Bob Madle Andy Main *PMabey AMercer Ed Meskys NMetcalf WJMallardi Chris Miller PSMiller *FMilnes *PMilnes *MEMoeller *OMoeller ASMoffatt LJMoffatt *JNevin *JNewman LJNirenberg HSNuttall MDNuttall JO'Meara EParker *EParkes *KCParkes JPatrizio FPattern RKPavlat BEPelz KPotter *JPrice AReiss BRichardson ERichardson ARispin Alva Rogers Sid Rogers JRoles FRolfe WmRotsler Vic Ryan LSapiro SSchultheis VSchultheis RPSchultz Bob Shaw LTShaw NKShaw Sadie Shaw *RTShea IShorrock NShorrock BSilverberg JSkirvin SSkirvin Bob Smith Ila Smith Ray Smith RSneary Jack Speer GWSpencer Bob Stewart SStiles *LTabakow Roy Tackett *Dale Tarr DAThompson AThomson STolliver BRToskey Bjo Trimble John Trimble Bob Tucker ETurner PTurner HMUrban LVintus *F von Bernewitz TWalsh NGWansborough HBWarner RWatts WWWeber NWeedall CWells EAWheatley JWhite TWhite MWillis WAWillis MWillits Art Wilson *Dic Wilson DWollheim EWollheim Ed Wood *MJWulf Ed Wyman BZuberEPITAFF, Eric Bentcliffe's account of his 1960 TAFF trip to Pittsburgh, illustrated by Eddie Jones, is available from either administrator for $1.00.
from Ron Ellik
127 Bennett Avenue
Long Beach 3, Calif., USA