From Hyphen #14

June 1955

Walt Willis


The final results were:–

Ken Bulmer 138 (38)
Terry Jeeves 61 (5)
Eric Bentcliffe 60 (5)

The totals were got by giving three points for a first place vote, two for a second and one for a third. Figures in brackets denote first place votes. The obvious discrepancy between these totals and the number of voters is accounted for by the fact that some voters 'plumped' for one candidate and others who had voted for candidates who retired did not amend their votes

The following voted (44 British & 14 American): Mike Wallace, Mike Rosenblum, Ken Slater, Peter Hamilton, Ethel Lindsay, Sam Youd, Dennis Tucker, Ted Carnell, John B. Hall, Brian Varley, Ted Tubb, Irene Boothroyd, Pete Campbell, Archie Mercer, Julian Parr, Joy Goodwin, Vin¢ Clarke, Eric Jones. John Brunner, Dorothy Ratigan,, John Berry, Walt Willis, Madeleine Willis, George Charters, Bob Shaw, James White, Joan Carr, Constance Mackenzie, Stuart Mackenzie, Tony Thorne, Pete Taylor, Eric Bentcliffe, Bill Morse, Pamela Bulmer, H.P. Sanderson, Arthur Thomson, Nigel Lindsay, Ken Potter, Mal Ashworth, Ron Buckmaster, Daphne Buckmaster, Dennis Cowen, Frank Arnold, Chuck Harris, Bob Tucker, Bob Pavlat, Gregg Calkins, Richard Eney, Steve Schultheis, Edith. Carr, Bea Mahaffey, Ted White, Dean Grennell, Mark Schulzinger, Eva Firestone, Dale Smith, Rory Faulkner and Vernon McCain.

The total in the Fund at 15th June is £146:6, news of another $25 raised at the Midwestcon having been received after the list overleaf was stencilled. In accordance with rules already agreed by fandom, 90% of this amount will be made available to Ken towards the cost of his transportation to the States. A deposit has already been paid to a shipping company for a berth on a boat arriving in New York late in August. Would any US fan who would like to help with transportation in the States or in any other way please write to Don Ford or me, or to Ken Bulmer at 204 Wellmeadow Rd., Catford, London SE6. I understand that if they can raise enough money to augment the TAKE sum, Ken hopes to bring Pamela with him. Bon voyage, Ken & Pamela.

TAFF 1956

(American & British fanzines please copy)

Nominations are hereby invited for a US (or Canadian) fan to be helped attend the next British Convention at Easter, 1956. They should be sent to Don Ford, 129 Maple Ave., Sharonville, Ohio to reach him before 30th September, 1955, and should be accompanied by a 100 word 'platform' describing the candidate's qualifications. The voting papers will be published early in October. Every fan who contributes 2/6 or 50¢ to the Fund subsequent to the publication of this Hyphen (June 1955) will be entitled to vote, but only one vote per person. Contributions in dollars should be sent to Don Ford at the above address, and in sterling to me, Walt Willis, 170 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, N. Ireland.

The 1955 Fund is now closed and all monies received after the publication of this Hyphen, together with the 10% held over from this year, will be put into the 1956 Fund

Grateful thanks to Ray Palmer and Bea Mahaffey of OTHER WORLDS for their $25 donation to the Transfanfund