Contact #9

17 July 1957


1. Bob MADLE 486
2. Stuart HOFFMAN 316
3. Richard ENEY 287
4. Richard ELLINGTON 158
5. Boyd RAEBURN 135
6. Forry ACKERMAN 65
7. Ed McNULTY 54
8. George N. RAYBIN 44

Loveland,Ohio – 5 July:

Don Ford, in charge of the TAFF balloting, announced that 259 ballots had been received. (Since this would make 1554 votes apparently three people didn't fill in the last two places on their ballots.) Full payment for a round-trip plane fare for the TAFF winner has been made, plus a one-dollar WSFS membership fee. Don hasn't finished balancing the books yet, but unofficially informs that the TAFF bank balance now expenses are paid, is $73.50, with an unknown sum in the hands of Sterling area TAFF manager Ken Bulmer. This doesn't include about $12 in silver still in Don's hands, possible receipts from late ballots, or the results of the TAFF appeal to the prozines. (Eney).


Washington, 7 July: By a general vote at the latest MidWesCon a new plan of TAFF balloting was recommended.

After considering the new method,the present method (three places with a total of six points) and two others "which nobody could understand, much less operate", the Con voted approval of a single-choice system. Under such a system each voter would cast his ballot for one candidate – no second or third place votes.

"This, of course, is not binding",explained Don Ford, current TAFF manager, "but the next person can use it as a strong expression of opinion to guide him." (Eney).

Apart from the page heading, no editorial comment is being made at this date. The discussion will be re-opened with the regular resumption of publication immediately after the Worldcon. I won't be there. JJ