Terry Hughes, clearly the British choice, won the 1979 race to be the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund delegate to the 37th World Science Fiction Convention (SeaCon '79) to be held in Brighton, England.
The voting was as follows:
CANDIDATE N. Amer. U.K. TOTAL Fred Haskell 35 5 40 Terry Hughes 47 61 108 Suzanne Tompkins 30 10 40 One hundred and eighty-eight total votes. That's not too many.
As the retiring American administrator of the Trans-Atlantic Fand Fund I want to thank the following on this side of the ocean who voted and/or contributed (as some did without voting) and helped to make this race a success:
Gil Gaier, Eric Lindsay, Ned Brooks, Jerry Kaufman, Linda Bushyager, Ron Bushyager, Margaret Gemignani, Andrew Porter, John Foyster, Ben Yalow, Virginia Kidd, Donald Franson, Teresa Minambres, Michael Hall, Suzle Tompkins, Adrienne Fein, Doug Hoylman, Brian Earl Brown, Bridgit Dzieoic, Avedon Carol, Don Fitch, Joe Siclari, CD Doyle, Richard Harter, David Bratmar, Mike Glicksohn, Laurraine Tutihasi, Ken Goltz, Geneva Steinberg, Jessica Salmonson, Fred Lerner, Jane Hawkins, Richard LaBonte, Gay Haldeman, Eli Cohen, Gary Farber, Harlan Klein, Gordon R. Dickson, Colleen Brown, Creath Thorne, Tom perry, Richard Stooker, Bob Vardeman, Lesleigh Luttrell, Dainis Bisenieks, Hank Luttrell, John D. Berry, Alyson Abramowitz, David Travis, Gary Deindorfer, Frank Denton, Rich Brown, Bill Bowers, Irwin Hirsh, Ken Fletcher, George Wells, Hope Leibnitz, Paul Novitski, Craig Hughes. Bruce Townley, Claudia Parrish, Arnie Katz, Dennis Lien, Joyce Katz, Tim Marion, Sally Voelker, Martin Schafer, Jan Appelbaum, Dave Wixon, Jeanne Gomoll, J. Owen Hanner, Sheryl Birkhead, Bjo Trimble, John Trimble, Douglas Carroll, Charles Burbee, N.D. Brewer, Diane Martin, David Klaus, Alice [?], Terry Garey, Dan Goodman, Roger Sween, Larry Carmody, Allyn Cadogan, Valma Brown, Leigh Edmonds, Wilson Goodson, Owen Laurion, Sharon Maples, Rick Sneary, Rose Hogue, Leigh Couch, Mike Couch, Norbert Couch, Denys Howard, John Leland; John Meisel, Sandra Meisel, Jan Howard Finder, John Purcell, Gregg Trend, Steven Smolian, Len Moffatt, June Moffatt, Harry Andruschak, Lester Boutillier, Sarah Prince, Joanne McBride, John Millard, Moshe Feder, Buck Coulson, Juanita Coulson, Chris Couch, Kennedy Poyser.
Rusty Hevelin
and especially to
JOYCE SCRIVNERThanks also to all of those who made their contributions through the various auctions and to all of those fanzine editors who helped to distribute the ballots.
The next TAFF race will be to bring a fan from the European side of the Atlantic to the 38th World SF convention to be held in Boston in 1980. You'll be hearing from the gentlefen listed below, who are the TAFF administrators, about that:
American Administrator
Terry Hughes
4739 Washington Blvd.
Arlington, Va. 22205European Administrator
Peter Roberts
38 Oakland Drive
Dawlish, Devon, U.K.And some final thoughts about TAFF and DUFF and other fan funds. Over the years the main support for the funds has come from the fanzines. Times change as does fandom and the fanzine fans are now a minority. The mass of fandom is now made up of convention and club fans, What is needed now is a way to get publicity and support for the funds well established in the conventions and the clubs. Joyce Scrivner and Rusty Hevelin have done a lot in this direction but there are still thousands of fans who are completely blank when the funds are mentioned. If you have any thoughts on the matter, any ideas on how TAFF and DUFF can be made more significant to the newer fans and how more publicity can be achieved, send them along to Terry at the address above... or to Peter if you've a mind to do so.
Be seeing you
Roy Tackett
915 Green Valley Road NW
Albuquerque, N.M. 87107 USA