This is Ken Bulmer. As Daphne is putting out this issue of Esprit right on the doorstep of Tresco, as it were, it seemed a good opportunity to publish a preliminary report on TAFF for 1958. One thing – I know that I am speaking to an informed audience and do not have to explain just what TAFF is. Of course, fairly soon I shall be telling you all what TAFF should really be and the way it should be run; as of now I’ll content myself with publishing the result and the current position. Ron Bennett was elected, with Dave Newman running second and John Berry third. The appeal which those who had not voted earlier received was quite successful. Here I should like to express my personal thanks to Norman Shorrock for his untiring effort both in publishing my appeal and in arranging the bookings at a late date. I had booked an early crossing and when this was found to be impracticable, Norman arranged a booking on the Queen Mary sailing from Southampton on August 14th and arriving New York on the 19th. Cost of this is £70-10. Return fare will be £60. TAFF always welcomes donations, various ill-informed critics to the contrary notwithstanding; and you will all be pleased to know that we have this amount of cash in hand. Ron himself is all set to go. So, perhaps letting off steam a little prematurely, I’d like to call your collective attentions to the interesting fact that this is the first time that TAFF has (or will have) functioned two years in succession. Bob Madle has the return fare all nicely tucked away in the U.S. and he has already announced that the next elections will aim for the 1960 convention over here. Of course, if Ron falls down and breaks a leg.... But then, let’s not dwell on that. I intend to publish a full report, with the names of all voters, the sums donated and contributed and the odd comments. An interesting chart can be drawn from those members of OMPA who did and did not vote. Until I hear from Bob on voting, tho’, I can’t issue anything, natch. This is a good place to state that Bobbie Wild withdrew on account of health reasons, and for none other. Whilst we all extend our congratulations to Ron, we also say “well played” to Dave and John. This has been, as they say, a sporting contest among three good guys and with 1958 TAFF has moved on to a higher prestige than ever.