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Bob Shaw Ebooks

Rob Jackson and David Langford have collected virtually all of Bob Shaw’s short fanwriting of any significance in three ebook volumes. The Serious Scientific Talks was published in November 2019 and The Full Glass Bushel (all the Bushel columns plus other writing for Hyphen) in June 2020; both were expanded with additional material in July 2020. The third ebook is Slow Pint Glass (August 2020), covering short fan or fan-like writing outside the scope of the first two.

Items in the contents lists below link where possible to the original Bob Shaw article or letter online at Fanac.org or elsewhere.

We would like to see Bob Shaw’s contributions to the following, still not traced:

Volume 3: Slow Pint Glass

The 1950s

The 1960s

The 1970s

The 1980s

The 1990s

Quotes and Nuggets

Most of these are from published letters of comment, the originals usually being untitled.

Not Included

As already noted, the Serious Scientific Talks and the Glass Bushel columns have their own ebook collections, the latter also including further writing for Hyphen and the column’s 1984 revival in Science Fiction Review. Slow Pint Glass covers everything else, at least at shorter lengths: the one long fable The Enchanted Duplicator (1954, with Walt Willis) has seen many editions including an ebook at the TAFF site.

Of course there must be some accidental omissions, the Bob Shaw fanzine articles we never located or never heard about. Slow Pint Glass can always be updated if any missed gem comes to light. It was an editorial decision to include just a single example of Bob’s artwork for Slant. Cartoons from his early fannish career were for the most part poorly reproduced and difficult to rescue for the ebook format: the spirit was willing but the technology often wonky. The letters of comment, mostly in “Quotes and Nuggets”, are a selection only – ones that both editors liked. Knowing that Bob himself had a low opinion of the straight science fiction (as distinct from fan fiction) he wrote in the 1950s for Slant and other fan venues, we have left it out. Professionally published fiction is of course outside the scope of this collection, and interviews (at least ten appeared in print) are represented only by the Q&A session in “BoShcon Non-Speech”.

Further known omissions are listed below. Reprints with unchanged titles are not included.

Volume 2: The Full Glass Bushel

This collects all Bob Shaw’s Glass Bushel columns from Hyphen, plus his other pieces in Hyphen and the two additional Bushel columns for Science Fiction Review in 1984. Most links are to the Hyphen archive at Fanac.org.

¶ Included in The Best of the Bushel (1979).

Not Included

Volume 1: The Serious Scientific Talks

A final talk delivered at the 1995 Eastercon and Worldcon seems never to have been published, but will be added if a recording or transcript can be found.

† Speech collected as one of five in The Eastercon Speeches (1979).
‡ Speech collected as one of three in Serious Science (1984).
¶ Speech collected as one of ten in A Load of Old BoSh (1995).

Further Research