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TransAtlantic Fan Fund
Free Ebooks

69 downloads since release date: 1 February 2023
Last updated 3 February 2023 12:53

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The Moffatt House Abroad

The 1973 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund Trip Report

Len and June Moffatt

ISBN 978-1-913451-48-6

Len and June Moffatt were the 1973 US TAFF winners, travelling from California to that year’s UK Eastercon, OMPAcon ’73, held in Bristol. Their joint trip report The Moffatt House Abroad followed promptly in 1974.

Cover artwork by Bernie Zuber for APA-L, used as an interior in the 1974 edition. Ansible Editions ebook added to the TAFF site on 1 February 2023. Over 44,000 words.

• Details of the 1973 TAFF race and voting can be found here.

OMPAcon quote card by Terry Jeeves, captioned by Dave Locke