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TransAtlantic Fan Fund
Free Ebooks

296 downloads since release date: 25 December 2019
Last updated 4 February 2020 18:38

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Beyond the Enchanted Duplicator ... To the Enchanted Convention

Walt Willis & James White

Illustrated by Stu Shiffman

ISBN 978-1-913451-66-0

This long-delayed sequel to the classic The Enchanted Duplicator (1954) by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was first published in 1991 by Geri Sullivan’s PROmote Communications. The Ansible Editions ebook reissue for the TAFF site includes the full text and all Stu Shiffman’s cartoon illustrations. Ebook released on 25 December 2019. Cover art by Stu Shiffman. 23,000 words.

Geri Sullivan has a few remaining copies of the 1991 first edition of Beyond the Enchanted Duplicator, available for a modest donation to TAFF. Enquiries to TAFF (at) toad-hall.com.

Walt Willis was born in October 1919, and his centenary in 2019 has been little remarked in science fiction fandom. One small gesture is the simultaneous ebook release of Beyond the Enchanted Duplicator and The Willis Papers as a 2019 Christmas treat for fans.