1981-82 TAFF Ballot

What is TAFF? The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund was created in 1953 for the purpose of providing funds to bring well-known and popular fans across the Atlantic. Since that time, TAFF has regularly sent North American fans to European conventions and brought European fans to North America. TAFF exists solely through the support of fandom. The candidates are voted for by interested fans all over the world, and each vote is accompanied by a donation of not less than 50 pence ($1.00). These votes, and the continued interest and generosity of fandom, are what makes TAFF possible.

Who may vote? Voting is open to anyone who was active in fandom (clubs, fanzines, conventions, etc.) prior to May 1980, and who contributes at least 50 pence ($1.00) to the fund. Contributions in excess of the minimum will be gratefully accepted. Only one vote per person is allowed -- no proxy votes -- and you must sign your ballot. Details of voting will be kept secret; write-ins are permitted. Money orders, postal orders and cheques should be made payable not to TAFF but to the appropriate administrator.

Deadline: Votes must reach the administrators by 17 April 1982.

Voting details: TAFF uses the Australian system, which guarantees an automatic run-off and a majority win. You rank the candidates in the exact order you wish to vote. If the leading first-place candidate does not get a majority, the first-place votes of the lowest-ranking candidate are dropped, and the second-place votes on those ballots are counted. This process goes on until one candidate has a majority. It is therefore important to vote for second and third place on your ballot. It is also a waste of time to put any name in more than one place.

Hold Over Funds: This choice, similar to 'No Award' in Hugo balloting, gives the voter the chance to vote for no TAFF trip should the candidates not appeal to him/her, or if he/she feels that TAFF should slow down its trips. 'Hold Over Funds' may be voted for in any position you wish.

Donations: TAFF needs continuous donations of money, and material to be auctioned, in order to exist. If you are ineligible to vote, or do not feel qualified to vote, why not donate anyway? Just as important as donations is publicity -- in fanzines, letters, convention booklets, and by word of mouth -- to increase voter participation.

Candidates: Each candidate has promised -- barring acts of God -- to travel to the 1982 Chicago Worldcon if elected, and has posted bond and provided signed nominations and a platform, which are reproduced overleaf along with the ballot.

Send ballots and contributions to:

European Administrator

North American Administrator

Dave Langford
22 Northumberland Avenue
Reading, Berks. RG2 7PW

Stu Shiffman
19 Broadway Terrace (#1D)
New York, NY 10040

Reproductions of this form are encouraged provided the text is reproduced verbatim. Anyone reproducing it should substitute their own name(s) below:
This version produced by Dave Langford.

side 2:


Rog Peyton

'Again, I boggle at his staying-power! Chairman of three Novacons, 1977 Eastercon, Brum Group (4 years) and veteran of umpteen other committees, Rog pre-dated me into fandom yet continues stronger than ever. He's a Publishing Jiant -- BSFA Vector, Tangent for 2 years, newsletters, and some superb programme books. His "Andromeda" is Britain's top SF bookshop; No.1 auctioneer at every con, he's into films, fancy-dress, art shows -- My God, he's done everything (including calling Harlan in the middle of the night)! Unquestionably our most active fan, Rog already has lots of US friends and richly deserves the opportunity to make many more!' (Peter Weston)

Nominated by: Jack Chalker, Malcolm Edwards, jan howard finder, Bob Shaw and Peter Weston.

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith has been around in fandom for some nine years, producing fanzines (Drilkjis with Dave Langford; Dot), writing for fanzines (Nabu, Space Junk, and others), chairing some British conventions (Skycon, Faancon 6), falling over at most others, editing an anthology of British fanwriting for Seacon '79 (Mood 70), devising the world famous Surrey Limpwrist constitution, and downing the requisite amount of alcoholic beverages. He currently edits Vector, the critical journal of the BSFA, has clean personal habits, and wants to see America and meet American fans before it is too late (ra ra Ronnie Raygun!). All excellent qualities for a TAFF representative and administrator.

Nominated by: Avedon Carol, Eve Harvey, Terry Hughes, Rob Jackson and Ian Maule.

I vote for (list 1, 2, 3):

__________ Rog Peyton

__________ Kevin Smith

__________ Hold Over Funds


Name and Address:

Enclosed is ________ as a contribution to TAFF (cheques etc. payable to Dave Langford or Stu Shiffman, please, and not to 'TAFF'). If you think your name may not be known to the administrators, then in order to qualify for voting please give the name and address of a fan or fan group to whom you are well known: