The TAFF Reporter

Number One.      May 1962.

(British Edition)


Fan Guest Of Honour at the British Easter convention held in Harrogate was Ron Ellik, ex-Marine, Squirrel, former-editor of FANAC, and prominent Californian Brag-player. I'd had the pleasure of welcoming Ron to England a few days prior to the Convention, and apart from a certain tendency to yell after passing cars found him a most personable character. I'm rather sure that my own high opinion of Ron is now shared by a goodly proportion of British Fandom. All the convention attendees, certainly, I should think, except, possibly, those he took money off at Brag! At the time of writing he is somewhere in England searching for the D'Oyly Carte, in between visiting fans. As well as Stockport, Liverpool and Harrogate, he'll be visiting Belfast, London and Oxford (in search of Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien) whilst over here. I'm sure he'll enjoy his stay.


The number of votes received by myself prior to the convention certainly did not break any record, in that the total number was only 14! However, due to the presence of a TAFF delegate at Harrogate, and our joint effort there, I'm pleased to say that the voting figures have considerably improved – 29 votes were received by either Ron or myself during the convention. This means that approx' 45% of the convention attendees voted, allowing for the fact that a probably high percentage of the other attendees were not qualified to vote this isn't bad. Voting Contributions, and donations to TAFF received were just under £10.0.0. Whilst this does not in any way compare with the amount 1 collected for TAFF at last year's convention, I have still to receive 50% of the auction-money taken – which Ron Bennett kindly agreed to donate to TAFF prior to the convention. I'd like to take this opportunity of thanking Ron for this gesture, and also of thanking everyone who voted and contributed to the Fund.


Whilst the total amount of cash in the treasury is almost sufficient to guarantee this year's British fare to the Chicago Worldconvention, the total amount collected by British Fandom is as yet nowhere near the amount required. Since taking over as a TAFF Administrator I've always been extremely conscious of the fact that of the monies received for TAFF only a small percentage is received from British fans. Naturally, one has to take into account the relatively smaller number of fans in the U.K. as compared with the U.S.A., but even when this is taken into account the figures are still disappointing. Since January 1961 I have received, to date, £75.9.1. Something like £50 of this was received at conventions, the balance is not only from British fans, but from American, Canadian and Continental fans who have also chosen to send their votes and donations to me. Whilst in America, a goodly proportion of TAFF donations is received from the local groups (who hold all kind of fund raising events to assist the fund) this is not true in the U.K. Averaged out, the total monies received by myself work out to approx' 5/- per week. Whilst I'm extremely grateful to everyone who has donated money to TAFF over this period – I THINK WE CAN DO BETTER! Let's pay this year's British delegate's fare, eh??


Close of British Voting for delegate to attend CHICON – May 31st.


British Delegate to attend CHICON announced. Early/June


British Delegate attends CHICON – August/September.


Nominations invited for U.S.A. TAFF candidate to attend 1964 British Convention. Sept.9th 1962.


Voting commences for American TAFF Delegate March 1st. 1963.


Nominations for British Fan to attend 1964 American Convention. Sept.1st. 1963.


Close of voting for USA Delegate to '64 British Convention. Sept.30th. 1963.


USA Delegate announced. Early/October 1963.


Voting commences for British TAFF Delegate to attend 1964 U.S.A. Convention. Dec.1st. 1963.


American delegate attends British con, Easter, 1964.

To Be Continued...


Just after the Pittcon, Don Ford and I got together at Loveland, Ohio and mapped ourselves out a calendar for TAFF. It went very much the way the one on the left does, and I'm pleased to say that all our aims were achieved. This happy state of affairs gives Ron Ellik and myself the courage to stick out our collective necks and announce the intended schedule for TAFF for the next couple of years. It won't be easy of achievement, but with your assistance we believe it's possible of completion, and, we thought you might like to know what we are hoping to accomplish. We'll certainly do our utmost to keep 'on schedule', and we hope that you, by nominating candidates, voting, donating, and generally supporting the Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund will help us. If we didn't think you would, we wouldn't have announced this schedule – neither of us has very thick skin!


As I write, there is only just over a month left in which you can vote for the British Delegate to attend this year's Worldconvention in Chicago. ETHEL LINDSAY and EDDIE JONES are the Candidates, and if you have not voted so far – and a lot of people haven't! – please hurry to do so. In case you haven't a ballot form handy, I'll accept the declaration below with a minimum donation of 2/6.



signed..................and enclose...........................


Both 'EPITAFF', my account of my 1960 trip to America and the Pittsburgh Worldcon; and 'TAFF BAEDEKER', Don Ford's tale of his adventures in London, Paris, and convention bedrooms, are still available. ALL proceeds of the sale of 'EPITAFF' from this date on will go directly into the TAFF Fund. 'EPITAFF' costs 7/6 ... 'TAFF BAEDEKER' 8/6. I enjoyed reading both of them!

THE TAFF REPORTER is written and published by Eric Bentcliffe, British TAFF Administrator, 47, Alldis St, Great Moor, Stockport, Cheshire.

VOTES and CONTRIBUTIONS, ORDERS, etcetera, may also be sent to RON ELLIK, 127 Bennett Ave, Long Beach 3, California, U.S.A. – But inundate me 'till he gets home, eh?