TAFF Analysis 1961 – U.S. Side

Ellik Eney
Final Count 131 73
U.S. Votes 98 49
British Votes 33 24

From the very beginning Ellik took the lead and held it to the closing deadline.

Total of money held for TAFF by myself is: $827.50. Additional money will be forthcoming from the sales of TAFF BAEDEKER and EPITAFF once they have cleared their respective production costs.

Money was raised as follows:

Eney & Ellik's Registration fees 20.00
Auction Bloch at Pittsburgh 99.00
Wally Weber 30.00
PITTCON Committee 200.00
Auction Bloch at SEACON 94.00
2 Atom Anthologies 2.00
½ of Richardson's St. Fantony Costume      10.00
SEACON Committee 200.00

The balance of the money was raised by the ballots.

People who voted are as follows:

Ed and Anne Cox were voided... being received past the deadline. Tucker voted twice and had the second ballot voided. Bruce Henstell voted at least 3 times, maybe 4. Three of his ballots were voided. Ella Parker double checked the ballot count while she was here and both candidates were notified of the results on September 30th.

In order to arrange for a smoother transition, Ron Ellik graciously consented to handle the ballots and money for the current election to bring over a British Delegate. This also allowed a greater separation of the bookkkeeping records: ballot count, etc. and avoided some confusion due to the overlapping campaigns.

Special thanks should be given to Al Lewis, Wally Weber and the SEACON Committee for their efforts in conduction [of] the Auction Bloch at Seattle. The PITTCON and SEACON Committees were both very generous with their donations and it is hoped that future con committees will be able to follow their examples.

Under an agreement entered into between Eric Bentcliffe and myself. $462.00 will be the winner's purse. This is a slight rise over previous years and represents the cost of the round trip air fare from New York to London. A check for $828.50 was sent to Ron Ellik on January 7, 1962.

Don Ford